December 2, 2010

The Bush-Clinton Dynasty, Obama, the New World Order, and the Banking Cartel

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Bush-Clinton Dynasty: The Two-Party Monopoly Offers No Solutions

A Bush or Clinton has been in the White House since 1980, and Bush's cousin, Obama, continues the Bush-Clinton Dynasty that is ushering in the New World Order, a one-world totalitarian government under the United Nations with a global currency and new age religion. Longtime, deeply loyal associates dominate the White House inner sanctum, and veterans of Clinton's presidency hold vital jobs throughout the government. And just like his cousins Bush and Cheney, Obama uses the "war on terror" and politics of fear to push the agenda of the secret international banking cabal, the invisible money power that rules America from behind the scenes.

Barack Obama, pre-positioned by the global elite to succeed George W. Bush, rode into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches, as well as widespread media support. His administration has expanded the global elite's plan to meltdown the economy and move toward a one-world currency, and has allowed the bankers to continue their unprecedented centralization of power. Obama, who controls nothing and is merely a front man installed in the White House by the puppet masters, naturally has filled his administration with insiders.

Republicans and Democrats serve the interests of the elite, not the people, and have for at least five decades since Kennedy was killed. Republicans and Democrats are two parties set up to give us the illusion of choice and to promote the false left-right paradigm. Political offices (including the Presidency) are bought, paid for, and controlled by the global elite through organizations such as the Federal Reserve, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Bilderberg Group. What people don't realize is that Clinton, Bush, and most of those who came before them in the 20th century, did not orchestrate any conspiracies—they were simply puppets being controlled by outside forces.

Political pundits like Rush Limbaugh keep the country bitterly divided among partisan lines, yet partisanship is insignificant in terms of the shadow government agenda. The global elite are now engaged in forming imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system, they have gotten the people to expend their energies fighting for questions of no importance rather than fighting to expose the elite's plan to enslave and rule the world.

"A resolution to the economic crisis can only begin with an independent mass movement of the working class that aims to break the political stranglehold of the financial elite over society - the development, to be blunt, of a revolutionary movement." - Tom Eley, Global Research, February 8, 2009

Historically, the definition of a free person is someone who owns his own labor. Serfs were not free, because they owed their feudal lords (the government of that time) a maximum of one-third of their labor. Nineteenth century slaves were not free, because their owners could expropriate 50% of their labor. Today, no American is a free person. The lowest tax rate (not counting state income, property tax and sales tax) is 15% Social Security tax and 15% federal income tax. The “free American” starts off with a 30% tax rate, the position of a medieval serf. In medieval Europe, when tax rates reached beyond 30%, serfs rebelled and killed their masters. ― Paul Craig Roberts, "Obama’s Attack on the Middle Class," March 31, 2009

Obama, the Banking Cartel's First Choice

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." - Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

New evidence of the banking cabal's control of both the Republican and Democratic parties in the U.S. surfaced in 2006 when Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she would not allow impeachment hearings into detailed allegations of crimes by President Bush. In July, 2008, Barack Obama's legal advisor (and University of Chicago law professor) Cass Sunstein said that, as president, Obama would not prosecute crimes that Bush and his confederates committed while in office, such as torture and unlawful surveillance. Sunstein admitted that "egregious crimes" should not be ignored, implying that he and Obama consider Bush's crimes as "non-egregious." This indicates that the cabal will continue its brazen criminal behavior under either a McCain or Obama presidency―and proves once again that there is a power bloc that controls both parties. ― Hermes Press

"The invisible money power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Marxism, Zionism and Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of a World Government (the United Nations) in which we will have only one vote to oppose 82 nations." - American Mercury, December 1957

Note the bank mergers and aquisitions since 1998, especially those of Citigroup (1998, 2002), Bank of America (1998, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008), Washington Mutual (1998, 2000, 2002, 2008), JP Morgan Chase (2000, 2004, 2008), Wachovia (2001, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008), Wells Fargo (1998, 2000, 2008), and Bank of New York Mellon (2007). Also note that JP Morgan Chase (which acquired Washington Mutual on September 25, 2008) and Wells Fargo (which acquired Wachovia on October 3, 2008) are among the nation's largest nine banks, which were "partially nationalized" later in 2008.  


According to New American's Thomas R. Eddlem in his article titled CFR Corporate Members Get Lion's Share of Bailout Funds:
Newspapers are fixated upon $160 million in bonuses given to American International Group (AIG) executives. And it’s nice to know where the millions are going (note: the bonuses could have been cancelled had the federal government let the company go bankrupt, as officials should have). But where are the trillions in TARP, TALC and Federal Reserve Bank bailout funds going?

The man in charge of administering the bailouts is Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who served as a staff member of the New York City-based Council on Foreign Relations before being hired in 2003 to head the New York City branch of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed).

As the vice chairman of the Fed’s Open Market Committee, Geithner is probably a poor choice to get the nation out of its current economic mess. He served as Alan Greenspan’s number two man at the Fed, so Geithner is as responsible as anyone for facilitating the severity of the real estate and financial bubble and its subsequent collapse. After all, the Fed was the driving force behind the asset bubble, inflating the bubble larger and larger through artificially low interest rates and an inflationary easy-money policy.

Under Geithner and his predecessor (former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry “Hank” Paulson), the majority of bailout funds have been awarded to high-level donors to Geithner's former employer: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Here’s a survey of TARP bailout awards to the CFR’s corporate members (there are a total of only a little more than 200 corporate members at all levels):

Among the “Founders” (those who give $100,000 or more to CFR) can be found:
  • American Express Company: $3.39 billion TARP
  • Goldman Sachs: $10 billion TARP, plus a separate Federal Reserve bailout and more than $13 billion of the allotment to AIG (below)
  • Merrill Lynch: $45 billion through its corporate parent, Bank of America, which is also a CFR Premium corporate member, plus $6.8 billion of AIG’s bailout funds
“President’s Circle” members (those who give $60,000 - $99,999 to CFR) received the following bailout funds:
  • American International Group (AIG): $182 billion in total TARP/TALF funds to date
  • Citibank: $50 billion TARP
  • Morgan Stanley (a spinoff of JP Morgan): $10 billion TARP
“Premium” members (those who give $30,000 - $59,999 to CFR):
  • Bank of New York/Mellon Corporation: $3 billion TARP
  • Freddie Mac: Sharing with Fannie Mae $1.25 trillion (that’s $1,250 billion in mortgage securities being purchased from the Federal Reserve Bank)
  • Chrysler: $4 billion TARP, plus $1.5 billion TARP for Chrysler Financial
  • JP Morgan Chase: $25 billion TARP
  • CIT Group: $2.33 billion TARP
That’s a total of more than $1 trillion in bailout funds for CFR corporate members, easily the lion’s share of the total bailout funds awarded to date. CFR membership seems to have its benefits, and then some.

So why is no one asking questions about why most of the funds are going to the former employers of our Treasury secretaries? Perhaps because many of the entities who should ask "why" are also CFR corporate members. Among the financial press, the CFR counts among its members Bloomberg, General Electric (NBC, CNBC, MSNBC), News Corporation (Fox, Fox Business), Standard and Poor's, ABC News, Time Warner (CNN, Time magazine, etc.), Moody's, and McGraw Hill (book publishers).

Somebody should ask the question why the same people who brought us this financial crisis are now bringing us the "cure," and why that cure necessarily involves financing former employers of the people making the decisions.
"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure―one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. - David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002

The New World Order’s Obamanation

By Redpill8, Cleveland Indymedia
March 24, 2009

Matt Taibbi has written an important article in this month’s Rolling Stone magazine. In it he explains to the reader, in layman’s terms, just what happened, how it happened, and who benefited from the massive taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street’s biggest firms. But, most importantly, he hits the nail on the head by saying that the Republic is officially dead (and we do hear the dirge)—there is no more pretense that we live in a democracy under the rule of law, because now the lawless ones have “officially” taken over the apparatus of the state and given us the finger in the process. Yes, as Taibbi’s says: “We are royally f***ed.” Congress is now a collection of rubber stampers, and the people are now Wall Street slaves.

Taibbi writes in the “The Big Takeover:”
“The crisis was the coup de grâce: Given virtually free rein over the economy, these same insiders first wrecked the financial world, then cunningly granted themselves nearly unlimited emergency powers to clean up their own mess. And so the gambling-addict leaders of companies like AIG end up not penniless and in jail, but with an Alien-style death grip on the Treasury and the Federal Reserve—‘our partners in the government,’ as Liddy put it with a shockingly casual matter-of-factness after the most recent bailout.”
The gambler-addicts have taken over and are running (and ruining) the country, and, we can bet that they will be jonesing for their next fix soon. Just the other day, in an effort to stave off Wall Street’s DDTs, Geithner injected these vampires with liquidity by promising to take their toxic assets off the balance sheet with taxpayers’ blood. But, as anyone who has ever known an addict will tell you, it will get worse, much worse, as addicts are expert liars and manipulators. They will say and do anything to get their next fix. Lock your doors and hide what little and, hopefully, what ‘real’ money you have left.

Although I commend Matt for putting many of the festering pieces together to help us understand the legalized, mafioso-world of high finance and their partners in crime in Congress, there are a few notable dots in this exposé that he forgot to connect—namely, the relationships that certain Obama cabinet members have to those benefitting most from the bailout (though Taibbi does mention some of these cancerous moles in his article).

For instance, one of the key benefactors of the bailout-“stimulus” bills not mentioned in the article is that perennial fixer/war criminal Henry Kissinger—and, as a corollary, his corporate clients (but you intuitively already knew that, didn’t you?). Yes, Obama’s trusted servant, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, worked for three years with Kissinger Associates, supposedly helping Henry research a book. And after this literary stint with Kissinger, the ambitious Geithner went to work at the U.S. Treasury as Under Secretary for International Affairs under Robert Rubin (a Goldman Sachs man) and Lawrence Summers—two key players who help usher in the deregulation of the financial industry by lobbying for the ruination of the Glass-Steagall Act.

Why is this important? Well, it may have to do with the fact the AIG—the company being publicly pilloried today for dolling out millions of dollars in executive bonuses—is a strategic partner with Kissinger Associates, Inc.

In an article entitled Kissinger Associates/Kissinger McLarty Associates, written by John Horne for 9/, we read:
American International Group, Inc. (AIG), the Blackstone Group L. P., and Kissinger Associates Inc. announced the establishment of a new venture to provide financial advisory services to corporations seeking high-level independent strategic advice. […] The venture will operate globally and will take advantage of the existing relationships between the partners:
  • AIG has an ownership interest in Blackstone and is an investor in several of Blackstone’s private equity funds;
  • AIG and Blackstone have a joint venture, specializing in restructuring and M&A (mergers and acquisitions) advisory services in selected Asian countries;
  • Henry Kissinger chairs both AIG’s International Advisory Board and the advisory boards of several AIG-sponsored Infrastructure Funds.
Is our New World Order jigsaw puzzle beginning to take shape now? Oh, but it gets better…

Timmy’s father, Peter Geithner, fits in miraculously to the mix as he was is a former top official of the Ford Foundation (a NWO front group) who knew Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham-Soetoro, when she was working on “microfinance” programs in Indonesia. Indeed, the elite travel in a very small circles.

The puzzle begins to take shape further when we see how our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and her hubby, Bill, are “life-long friends”with Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty, III, who joined Kissinger Associates, Inc. to form Kissinger McLarty Associates in 1992.

According to Wikipedia: Kissinger Associates (McLarty left the firm in January 2008 to start his own company) specialty is in “assisting its clientele in identifying strategic partners and investment opportunities, and advises clients on government relations throughout the world. It was established in July 1982 after loans had been secured from Goldman Sachs and a consortium of three other banks.”

So, the puzzle is becoming clear to anyone with eyes to see. With a good chunk of the bailout money going to Kissinger-affiliated firms like AIG, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs; and with the recent reshuffling of strategic partners (bye-bye Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros, plus the many community banks that have been taken over or shut down because they bought into the toxic mortgage schemes); and with the new investment opportunities that Geithner is now promising Wall Street firms, we see what the financial crisis really is—a well-structured M&A (merging and acquisition) project of the United States of America, which follows perfectly the strategic goals of Kissinger Associates, Inc.

The government will now be taking all its marching orders straight from the central banking-NWO elite as declared by Obama’s new National Security Adviser, Jim Jones, speaking at a function for the Council on Foreign Relations (the CFR is a 'front group' for the international bankers):
“Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.”
Of course these relationships between individuals who are in key positions in the Obama administration and shady consulting firms like Kissinger Associates would have no baring on Obama’s agenda? Of course not. He’s his own man, they keep telling us. And, if you believe that, there is some Kool-Aid they would like you to drink. Maybe today’s new Jim Jones will administer it.

Final Stage in the ‘Global Control’ Strategy

By Olga Chetverikova, Global Research
April 23, 2009

As the world financial and economic crisis comes into its own, the Western political leaders and elites are seeking to impress on mankind the idea that this upheaval will end up ‘turning the world into something different.’

Even though the picture of the ‘new world order’ remains vague and fuzzy, the main idea is quite clear: a single global government, goes the argument, has to be established if we don’t want general chaos to prevail.

Every now and again, Western politicians mention the need for a ‘new world order,’ a ‘new world financial architecture,’ or some kind of ‘supranational control,’ calling it a ‘New Deal’ for the world.
Nicolas Sarkozy was the first to say so while addressing the UN General Assembly in September 2007 (that is, before the crisis).

During the February 2009 meeting in Berlin convened to prepare the G20 summit, this was echoed by Gordon Brown, who said that a worldwide New Deal was needed. We are conscious, he added, that where the world financial flows were concerned, we would not be able to emerge from this situation with the help of purely national authorities alone. We need the authorities and world watchdogs to make the activities of financial institutions operating in the world markets totally open to us.

Both Sarkozy and Brown are protégés of the Rothschilds.
Statements made by certain representatives of ‘the global elite’ indicate that the current crisis is being used as a mechanism for provoking some deepening social upheavals that would make mankind—plunged as it is already into chaos and frightened by the ghost of an all-out violence—urge of its own free will that a ‘supranational’ arbitrator with dictatorial powers intervene into the world affairs.

The events are following the same path as the Great Depression in 1929-1933: a financial crisis, an economic recession, social conflicts, establishing totalitarian dictatorships, inciting a war to concentrate power and capital in the hands of a narrow circle. This time, however, the case in point is the final stage in the ‘global control’ strategy, where a decisive blow should be dealt to the national state sovereignty institution, followed by a transition to a system of private power of transnational elites.

As early as the late 1990s, David Rockefeller, author of the idea of private power that is due to replace the governments, said that we (the world) were on the threshold of global changes. All we need, he went on, is some large-scale crisis that will make people accept the new world order.
Jacques Attali, Sarkozy’s adviser and former EBRD chief, claimed that the elites had been incapable of dealing with the currency problems of the 1930s. He was afraid, he said, that a similar mistake would be made again. At first we’ll wage wars, he went on, and let 300 million people perish. After that, reforms will follow and a world government. Shouldn’t we better think about a world government already at this stage, he asked?

The same was stated by Henry Kissinger: “In the final analysis, the main task is to define and formulate the general concerns of the majority of countries, as well as of all leading states with regard to the economic crisis, considering the collective fear of a terrorist jihad. Next, all of that should be converted to a common action strategy… Thus, America and its potential partners are getting a unique chance for turning the moment of the crisis into a vision of hope.”
The world is being led to accept the “new order” idea step by step to avoid provoking events that are likely to make the universal protests against the worsening conditions of human existence take ‘a wrong course’ and become uncontrolled. The main thing that Stage One managed to achieve was to start a wide-ranging discussion on ‘global government’ and the ‘inadmissibility of protectionism’ with an emphasis on the ‘hopelessness’ of the national-state models for emerging from the crisis.

This discussion is proceeding against the background of information pressures that help to build up human anxieties, fear and uncertainty. Some of those information actions are the following:
  • WTO forecasts to the effect that 1.4 billion people are likely to sink below the poverty line in 2009;
  • A warning by the WTO director general that the biggest world trade slide in postwar history is in the offing;
  • A statement by the IMF’s Dominique Strauss-Kohn (a protégé of Sarkozy’s) that a world economic crash is impending unless a large-scale reform of the financial sector of the world economy is implemented; and
  • A crash that is most likely to bring in its wake not only social unrest but also a war.
Against this background, the idea to introduce a common world currency as a cornerstone of the ‘new world order’ was put forward.

The real masterminds of this long-standing project are as yet in the shadow.
Let us note that some or other representatives of Russia are pushed to the fore. This is reminiscent of the situation before World War I, where the Anglo-French circles that possessed some well-elaborated plans for a new division of the world instructed the Russian Foreign Minister to draw up a general program for the Entente Cordiale. It went down in history as the ‘Sazonov program,’ even though Russia did not play an independent role in that war and was, from the start, built into the system of interests of the British financial elite.

On March 19 Henry Kissinger came to Moscow as a member of The Wise Men (James Baker, George Schultz, and others), who had meetings with the Russian leaders before the G20 summit. Dmitry Trenin, director of the Moscow Carnegie Center and participant in the latest US meeting of the Bilderbergers, called that meeting a ‘positive signal.’

On March 25 Moskovsky Komsomolets published an article ‘The Crisis and the World Problems,’ by Gavriil Popov (currently President of the International Union of Economists) that openly voiced what was normally discussed behind closed doors.

The article mentioned World Parliament, World Government, World Armed Forces, World Police Force, World Bank, the necessity of placing under international control the nuclear weapons, nuclear power generating capacities, the entire amount of space rocket technology, and the planet’s minerals, the imposition of birth-rate limits, the cleansing of humanity’s gene pool, the fostering of people intolerant to cultural and religious incompatibility, and the like.

The “countries that will not accept the global prospects,” says Popov, “must be expelled from the world community.” Of course, the Moskovsky Komsomolets article conveys nothing new that would enable one to understand the strategy of the global elite.
Another thing is important:
The establishment of a totalitarian police order and the elimination of national states is being suggested as an open program of action, and what the liberals, the socialists, and the conservatives always viewed as ‘new fascism’ is being recommended as the only possible salutary path for the whole of mankind.
Someone wants the discussing of these projects to become a norm. In this context, some ‘particularly trusted’ representatives of Russia are pushed to the fore, Russia that will become the main victim of the policy of total plunder should the ‘global government’ become a reality.

The G20 did not discuss the common world currency issue, since time had not yet come for that. The summit itself was a step forward on the way to chaos, because its decisions, if followed blindly, will only worsen the world socioeconomic situation and, to quote Lyndon LaRouche, will “finish off the patient.”

In the meantime, the crisis is being exacerbated and analysts are predicting an era of mass-scale unemployment. The most pessimistic predictions come from LEAP/Europe 2020, which regularly publishes them in its bulletins and even set them out in an open letter sent to the leaders of the Twenty before the London summit.
As early as February 2006, LEAP was surprisingly precise in describing the prospects for the ‘systemic global crisis’ as a consequence of the financial illness caused by the US debt. LEAP analysts are viewing the current events in the context of the general crisis that began in the late 1970s and is now in its fourth, final and most grave stage, the so-called ‘elutriation phase,’ where the collapse of real economy begins. According to LEAP’s Frank Biancheri, it is not simply a recession but the end of the system, in which its main pillar, the US economy, collapsed. “We are witnessing the end of an entire epoch before our own eyes.”

The crisis may lead to some most difficult consequences. LEAP forecasts a rise in unemployment to 15-20% in Europe and as much as 30% in the United States.

If the key dollar problem fails to be solved, the world events will take a most dramatic turn. The dollar collapse may take place as early as July 2009, and the potentially decades-long crisis will trigger off “a world-wide geopolitical disintegration” with social upheavals and civil conflicts, with the division of the world into separate blocs, with the world coming back to Europe’s 1914, with military clashes, etc.

The most powerful popular unrest will take place in countries with the least developed social security systems and the biggest concentrations of weapons, primarily in Latin America and the United States, where social violence is already now manifest in the activities of armed gangs.
Experts note the beginning of US population fleeing to Europe, where the direct threat to life is, for the time being, not so great.

Aside from armed conflicts, LEAP analysts forecast power, food and water shortages in areas dependent on food imports.

LEAP experts describe behavior demonstrated by the Western elites as absolutely inadequate: "Our leaders have failed to understand what happened, and show the same amount of incomprehension to this day. We are amid a period of protracted recession, and it was necessary to engage in introducing some long-term measures to cushion the blows, whereas our leaders still hope to avoid a prolonged recession… All of them have been formed around the American pillar and cannot see that the pillar is a shambles…"

But this is not seen by the mid-level leaders, while the top-level world managers are, on the contrary, informed quite well; it is they who are implementing the ‘controlled chaos’ and general disintegration policy, including a civil war and the disintegration of the United States planned for the end of 2009, a scenario that is being widely discussed both by American and world media.
On the threshold of conflicts planned in various areas of the planets, a system is being established that will give a supranational center relying on a large-scale punitive machine total political, military, legal and electronic control over the population. That system uses the network management principle that allows embedding into any society parallel structures of authority that report to external decision-making centers and are legalized through the doctrine of prevalence of international law over national law. The shell remains national, while real power becomes transnational. Jacques Attali calls this a ‘global law-based state.’

The ruling center of the global law-based state is located in the US. While its fundamentals began to emerge in the 1990s, the fight against terrorism after the 9/11 events has lead to radically new phenomena. The passing of the 2001 Patriot Act not only allowed security services to control the American population and suspected foreigners, but also accelerated the passing of state responsibilities into the hands of transnational corporate structures.
Intelligence activities, trade of war, penitentiary system, and information control are passing into private hands. This is done through so-called outsourcing, a relatively new business phenomenon that consists of trusting certain functions to private firms that act as contractors, and relying on individuals outside an organization to solve its internal tasks.

In 2007, the American government found out that 70% of its secret intelligence budget is spent on private contracts and that “Cold-War intelligence bureaucracy is transforming into something new, where contractor’s interests dominate.” For American society (Congress included), their activities remain classified, which allows them to gather more and more important functions in their hands.

Former CIA employees say that nearly 60% of their staff are on contracts. Those people analyze most of the information, write reports for those who make decisions in state authorities, maintain communications among various security services, help foreign stations, and analyze data interception. As a result, America’s National Security Agency is becoming more and more dependent on private companies that have access to classified information. No wonder, then, that it is lobbying a bill in the Congress that is supposed to guarantee immunity to corporations that have worked with NSA for the last five years.

The same is happening to private military companies (PMCs), which have been assuming more and more army and police functions. On a significant scale, it started in the nineties in former Yugoslavia, but contract workers were especially widely used in Afghanistan and other conflict zones. They did the ‘dirtiest’ actions, as was the case during the war in South Ossetia, where up to 3000 mercenaries were involved. At the moment, PMCs are real armies, each up to 70,000 strong, that operate in over 60 countries, with annual revenues of up to $180 billion (according to Brookings Institution, USA). For example, over 20,000 employees of American PMCs work in Iraq along with the 160,000 American military contingent.

The system of private prisons is also growing rapidly in the US. The prison industry complex, which uses slave labor and sweatshop practices, is flourishing, and its investors are based on Wall Street. The use of convict labor by private corporations has been legalized in 37 states already, and it is used by major corporations such as IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, Texas Instrument, Intel, Pierre Cardin, and others. In 2008, the number of inmates in US private prisons was about 100,000, and it is growing rapidly, along with the total number of inmates in the country (mostly African-Americans and Latin Americans), which is 2.2 million people, or 25% of all convicts in the world.
After Bush came to power, privatization of the system for transportation and retention of migrants in concentration camps began. In particular, a branch of the notorious firm Halliburton, Kellog Brown and Root (once headed by Dick Cheney), did just that.

The biggest achievements have been made over the last few years in the area of establishing electronic control over people’s identities, carried out under the pretext of counterterrorism. Currently, the FBI is creating the world’s biggest database of biometric indexes (fingerprints, retina scans, face shapes, scar shapes and allocation, speech and gesture patterns, etc.) that now contains 55 million fingerprints. The latest novelties include the introduction of body scanning system in US airports, tracking of literature read by passengers in flight, and so on. A new opportunity to gather detailed information on people’s private lives follow from the NSA Directive 59, passed in summer 2008, ‘Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security’ and the classified ‘Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Law.’
Evaluating the policy of America’s authorities, ex-Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul said that America is gradually turning into a fascist state: “We are approaching not a Hitler-type fascism, but one of a softer type, which shows in the loss of civil freedoms, when corporations rule everything and… the government lies in the same bed with big business.” May we remind you that Ron Paul is one of the few American politicians speaking for the closing of the Federal Reserve System as a secret unconstitutional organization?

With Obama’s coming to power, the police order in America is getting tighter and tighter in two directions—strengthening internal security and militarization of civilian institutions. Tellingly, having condemned the infringements on individual freedoms done by the Bush administration, Obama has put his own staff under total control by making them fill out a 63-question form that touches upon the most intricate details of their private lives.

In January, the US President signed bills that enable the continuation of the illegal practice of abducting people, keeping them secretly in prisons, and moving them to countries where tortures are used. He also proposed a bill called National Emergency Help Center Establishment Act, which stipulates the establishment [of a minimum] of six such centers in US military bases to provide help to people who are displaced due to an emergency situation or disaster and thus get into military jurisdiction. Analysts connect this bill with possible disturbances and consider it proof that the US administration is preparing for a military conflict which may follow after the provocation that is being planned.

The American system of police control is actively implemented in other countries, primarily in Europe—through the establishment of American law hegemony on its territory by means of closing various agreements.
A big part here was played by US-European talks out of the glare of publicity on creation of the common ‘area of control over the population’ that were held in spring 2008, when the European Parliament adopted resolution that ratified creation of the single transatlantic market abolishing all barriers to trade and investments by 2015. The talks resulted in the classified report prepared by the experts from six participating countries. This report described the project to create the ‘area of cooperation’ in the spheres of ‘freedom, safety and justice.’

The report dwells upon the reorganization of the system of justice and internal affairs of the EU member states in such a manner that it would resemble the American system. It concerns not only the ability to transfer personal data and cooperation of police services (which is already being carried out), but also, for example, extradition of EU immigrants to US authorities in accordance with the new mandate that abolished all the guarantees the European procedure of extradition provided.
In the US, the Military Commissions Act of 2006 is in force, and it allows persecution or imprisonment of any person who is identified as an ‘illegally fighting enemy’ by the executive authorities and extends to immigrants from any country not at war with the US. They are persecuted like “enemies” not based on some evidence but because they were labeled so by the governmental agencies. No foreign governments have protested against this law which is of international importance.

Soon they will sign the agreement on personal data communication, in accordance with which the American authorities will be able to obtain such personal information as credit card numbers, bank account details, investments, travel routes or communication via Internet, as well as the information concerning race, political and religious beliefs, habits, etc. It was under the US pressure that the EU countries have introduced biometric passports. The new EU regulation implies the overall switch of EU citizens to electronic passports from the end of June 2009 by 2012. New passports will contain a chip with not only passport info and a photo, but also fingerprints.

We are witnessing the creation of the global electronic concentration camp; and crisis, conflicts and wars are used to justify it. As Douglas Reed wrote “people tend to tremble in the face of an imaginary danger and are too lazy to see the real one.”

A Very Real New World Order

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long—we are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller, Sept. 23, 1994

"It cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions." - Henry Kissinger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, April 19, 1994

By Chuck Baldwin, ChuckBaldwinLive
January 27, 2009

It is hard to believe, but a majority of Americans (including Christians and conservatives) seem oblivious to the fact that there is a very real, very legitimate New World Order (NWO) unfolding. In the face of overwhelming evidence, most Americans not only seem totally unaware of this reality, they seem unwilling to even remotely entertain the notion.

On one hand, it is understandable that so many Americans would be ignorant of the emerging New World Order. After all, the mainstream media refuses to report, or even acknowledge, the NWO. Even "conservative" commentators and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, or Joe Scarborough refuse to discuss it. And when listeners call these respective programs, these "conservative" hosts usually resort to insulting the caller as being some kind of "conspiracy kook." One host even railed that if anyone questions the government line on 9/11, we should "lock them up and throw away the key." So much for freedom of speech!

This is an area—perhaps the central area—where liberals and conservatives agree: they both show no patience or tolerance for anyone who believes that global government (in any form) is evolving. One has to wonder how otherwise intelligent and thoughtful people can be so brain dead when it comes to this issue. It makes one wonder who is really pulling their strings, doesn't it?

The list of notable personalities who have openly referenced or called for some kind of global government or New World Order is extremely lengthy. Are all these people "kooks" or "conspiracy nuts"? Why would world leaders (including presidents, secretaries of state, and high government officials; and including the media, financial, and political elite) constantly refer to something that doesn't exist? Why would they write about, talk about, or openly promote a New World Order if there is no such thing?

Many of us recall President George Herbert Walker Bush talking much about an emerging New World Order.
For example, in 1989, Bush told the students of Texas A&M University, "Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations."

Later, Bush, Sr. said, "We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order... When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders."

Bush, Sr. also said, "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea—a new world order." Bush, Sr. further said, "The world can therefore seize the opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order..."
What was President G.H.W. Bush talking about if there is no such thing as an emerging New World Order? Was he talking out of his mind? Was he hallucinating?

England's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said:
"We are all internationalists now, whether we like it or not." He continued saying: "On the eve of a new Millennium we are now in a new world. We need new rules for international co-operation and new ways of organizing our international institutions." He also said, "Today the impulse towards interdependence is immeasurably greater. We are witnessing the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community."

In 1999, Tony Blair said, "Globalization has transformed our economies and our working practices. But globalism is not just economic. It is also a political and security phenomenon."
What is Tony Blair talking about if there is no emerging New World Order? What does he mean by "a new doctrine of international community"? What does he mean by "new world"? How can one have globalism, which includes "a political and security phenomenon," without creating a New World Order? Is Tony Blair hallucinating?

Likewise, former President George W. Bush penned his signature to the Declaration of Quebec back on April 22, 2001, in which he gave a "commitment to hemispheric integration and national and collective responsibility for improving the economic well-being and security of our people."
By "our people," Bush meant the people of the Western Hemisphere, not the people of the United States. Phyllis Schlafly rightly reminded us that G.W. Bush "pledged that the United States will 'build a hemispheric family on the basis of a more just and democratic international order'."

Remember, too, that it was G.W. Bush who, back in 2005, committed the United States to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which is nothing more than a precursor to the North American Community or Union, as outlined in the Council on Foregin Relations (CFR) member Robert Pastor's manual, "Toward a North American Community."
If there is no such thing as an emerging New World Order, what was G.W. Bush talking about when he referred to "a hemispheric family" and an "international order"?

The public statements of notable world leaders regarding an emerging New World Order are copious. Consider the statements of former CBS newsman, Walter Cronkite.
In his book, "A Reporter's Life," Walter Cronkite said, "A system of world order - preferably a system of world government—is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty..."

Cronkite told BBC newsman Tim Sebastian, "I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law." He added, "We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military forces to enforce that law."

Cronkite also said, "American people are going to begin to realize that perhaps they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce world law."
If there is no emerging New World Order, what is Walter Cronkite talking about? Can there be any doubt that Cronkite is talking about global government? Absolutely not!

Now, when Bush, Sr. talks about fulfilling "the promise and vision of the UN's founders," he was talking about the same thing former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was talking about when he said, "The time for absolute and exclusive sovereignty... has passed."

The United Nations has been on the forefront of promoting the New World Order agenda since its very inception.
In 1995, the UN released a manual entitled, "Our Global Neighborhood." It states: "Population, consumption, technology, development, and the environment are linked in complex relationships that bear closely on human welfare in the global neighborhood. Their effective and equitable management calls for a systematic, long-term, global approach guided by the principle of sustainable development, which has been the central lesson from the mounting ecological dangers of recent times. Its universal application is a priority among the tasks of global governance."
If there is no emerging New World Order, what is "global governance" all about?

"Who are the movers and shakers promoting global government?" you ask. Obviously, it is the international bankers who are the heavyweights behind the push for global government. Remember, one cannot create a "global economy" without a global government to manage, oversee, and control it.

In a letter written to Colonel E. Mandell House, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said:
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson."
"Old Hickory" did his best to rid the United States from the death grip that the international bankers were beginning to exert on this country. He may have been the last President to actually oppose the bankers. In discussing the Bank Renewal bill with a delegation of bankers in 1832, Jackson said:
"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out."
Unfortunately, the international bankers proved themselves to be too formidable for President Jackson. And in 1913, with the collaboration of President Woodrow Wilson, the bankers were given charge over America's financial system by the creation of the Federal Reserve.

Ever since the CFR (a 'front group' for the international bankers) and Trilateral Commission were created, they have filled the key leadership positions of government, big media, and of course, the Federal Reserve.
In his book, "With No Apologies," former Republican Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater wrote, "The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.

The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power—political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." Was Goldwater a prophet or what?
And again, the goals of the global elite have been publicly stated. Back in 1991, the founder of the CFR, David Rockefeller, praised the major media for their complicity in helping to facilitate the globalist agenda by saying:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
How could Rockefeller be any plainer? He acknowledged the willful assistance of the major media in helping to keep the elitists' agenda of global government from the American people. To this day, the major media has not deviated from that collaboration. And this includes the aforementioned "conservative" talking heads. They know if they want to keep their jobs, they dare not reveal the New World Order. The NWO, more than anything else, is the "Third Rail" to the national media.

Is it any wonder that President Barack Obama has stacked his government with numerous members of the CFR? Among these are Robert Gates, Janet Napolitano, Eric Shinseki, Timothy Geithner, and Tom Daschle. Other CFR members include CFR President Richard Haass, CFR Director Richard Holbrooke, and founding member of the Trilateral Commission and CFR member Paul Volcker. Obama even asked a CFR member, Rick Warren, to deliver the inaugural prayer.

Still not convinced? Just a few days ago, when asked by a reporter what he thought the most important thing was that Barack Obama could accomplish, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said:
"I think his task will be develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a New World Order can be created. It's a great opportunity; it isn't just a crisis."

This is the same Henry Kissinger, you will recall, who said back in 1991: "Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were [sic] an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
Even Gideon Rachman, the chief foreign affairs commentator for the Financial Times, wrote an editorial expressing his support for world government. In his column he said:
"I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the U.S... But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible.

"A 'world government' would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.

"So could the European model go global? There are three reasons for thinking that it might."

Rachman then goes on to explain the reasons why he believes world government is plausible.
Do you now see why it does not matter to a tinker's dam whether it is a Republican or Democrat who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? For the most part, both major parties in Washington, D.C., have been under the dominating influence of the international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission. And this is also why it does not matter whether one calls himself conservative or liberal. For the most part, both conservatives and liberals in Washington, D.C. are facilitating the emerging New World Order. It is time we wake up to this reality.

Presidents Bush, Sr., Bill Clinton, and Bush, Jr. have thoroughly set the table for the implementation of the NWO as surely as the sun rises in the east. All Obama has to do is put the food on the table—and you can count on this: Barack Obama will serve up a New World Order feast like you cannot believe!

That a New World Order is emerging is not in question. The only question is, "What will freedom-loving Americans do about it?" Of course, the first thing they have to do is admit that an emerging New World Order exists! Until conservatives, Christians, pastors, constitutionalists, and others who care about a sovereign, independent United States acknowledge the reality of an emerging New World Order, they will be incapable of opposing it. And right now, that is exactly what they are not doing.

© 2009 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, "Chuck Baldwin Live" This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet and for newspapers.

Obamageddon: Trilateral Commission Endgame

This video is no longer available on youtube, but you can view it here at metacafe.

David Rockefeller recognized the shortcomings of the CFR when he founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973 with Zbigniew Brzezinski. Rockefeller represented Corporate and Brzezinski represented Academic. Together, they chose approximately 300 members from North America, Europe and Japan, whom they viewed as being their "birds of a feather." These members were at the pinnacle of their profession, whether Corporate, Academic, Political or Press. It is a testimony to the influence of Rockefeller and Brzezinski that they could get this many people to say "Yes" when they were tapped for membership. - Patrick Wood, The Global Elite, Who Are They?, The August Review

Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

By Patrick Wood, The August Review
January 30, 2009

[Editor's Note: For clarity, members of the Trilateral Commission appear in bold type.]

As previously noted in Pawns of the Global Elite, Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, who was Obama's principal foreign policy advisor.

The pre-election attention is reminiscent of Brzezinski's tutoring of Jimmy Carter prior to Carter's landslide election in 1976.

For anyone who doubts the Commission's continuing influence on Obama, consider that he has already appointed no less than nine members of the Commission to top-level and key positions in his Administration.

According to official Trilateral Commission membership lists, there are only 87 members from the United States (the other 337 members are from other regions). Thus, in less than two weeks since his inauguration, Obama's appointments encompass more than 10% of Commission's entire U.S. membership.

Is this a mere coincidence or is it a continuation of dominance over the Executive Branch since 1976? (For important background, read The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty.)
  • Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
  • Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
  • National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
  • Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
  • Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
  • Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
  • Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke
There are many other incidental links to the Trilateral Commission, for instance:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is married to Commission member William Jefferson Clinton.

Geithner's informal group of advisors include E. Gerald Corrigan, Paul Volker, Alan Greenspan and Peter G. Peterson, among others. His first job after college was with Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associates.

Brent Scowcroft has been an unofficial advisor to Obama and was mentor to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Robert Zoelick is currently president of the World Bank

Laurence Summers, White House Economic Advisor, was mentored by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin during the Clinton administration.
There are many other such links, but these are enough for you to get the idea of what's going on here.

Analyze the Positions

Notice that five of the Trilateral appointees involve the State Department, where foreign policy is created and implemented. Hillary Clinton is certainly in line with these policies because her husband, Bill Clinton, is also a member.

What is more important than economic recovery? Paul Volker is the answer.

What is more important than national intelligence? Thomas Donilon and Adm. Dennis Blair hold the two top positions.

What is more important than the Treasury and the saving of our financial system? Timothy Geithner says he has the answers.

This leaves Susan Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations. The U.N. is the chosen instrument for ultimate global governance. Rice will help to subvert the U.S. into the U.N. umbrella of vassal states.

Conflict of Interest

Since 1973, the Commission has met regularly in plenary sessions to discuss policy position papers developed by its members. Policies are debated in order to achieve consensuses. Respective members return to their own countries to implement policies consistent with those consensuses.

The original stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to create a "New International Economic Order." Its current statement has morphed into fostering a "closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system." (See the Trilateral Commission web site)

U.S. Trilateral members implement policies determined by a majority of non-Americans that most often work against the best interests of the country.

"How," you say?

Since the administration of Jimmy Carter, Trilaterals held these massively influential positions:
  • Six out of eight World Bank presidents, including the current appointee, Robert Zoelick
  • Eight out of ten U.S. Trade Representatives
  • President and/or Vice-President of every elected administration
  • Seven out of twelve Secretaries of State
  • Nine out of twelve Secretaries of Defense
Is this sinking in? Are you grasping the enormity of it?

Endgame Is At Hand

For the Trilateral crowd, the game is about over. The recent reemergence of original members Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft and Paul Volker serves to reinforce the conclusion that the New International Economic Order is near.

The Trilateral Commission and its members have engineered the global economic, trade and financial system that is currently in a state of total chaos.

Does that mean that they have lost? Hardly.

As I recently wrote in Chorus Call for New World Order, they are using the crisis to destroy what remains of national Sovereignty, so that a New World Order can finally and permanently be put into place.


The Obama presidency is a disingenuous fraud. He was elected by promising to bring change, yet from the start change was never envisioned. He was carefully groomed and financed by the Trilateral Commission and their friends.

In short, Obama is merely the continuation of disastrous, non-American policies that have brought economic ruin upon us and the rest of the world. The Obama experience rivals that of Jimmy Carter, whose campaign slogan was "I will never lie to you."

When the Democrat base finally realizes that it has been conned again (Bill Clinton and Al Gore were CFR members), perhaps it will unleash a real political revolution that will oust Trilateral politicians, operatives and policies from the shores of our country.

If the reader is a Democrat, be aware that many Republicans and conservatives are still licking their wounds after finally realizing that George Bush and Dick Cheney worked the same con on them for a disastrous eight years of the same policies!

A Leadership Review of the Barack Obama Administration

By Carl Teichrib, The August Review
March 9, 2009

After endless months of campaigning, mud-slinging, and grandiose political promises, the American presidential elections are now in the rear-view mirror.

President Barack Obama, a man with seemingly unquenchable energy and fantastic oratory skills, promised America, and the world, that his administration would be different. Change would be the hallmark of a new era in American politics.

However, looking at the administration team as it currently stands, it's hard to find too many substantial changes. Instead, it appears that Obama has followed the path of other US presidents, filling the chairs with deeply entrenched political elites.

This report attempts to provide a biographical window into those who are taking the leading offices in America. By better grasping the political networks of those on the Obama team, you'll be better equipped to understand the direction this administration is going. Moreover, many of these networks, or political organizations, espouse an internationalist worldview. Hence, this leadership list report will be a useful tool in discerning the motives for future political actions.

Please note: The focus of this leadership review isn't on the individual's educational background or family ties, which are typically part of a person's biography. Rather, the primary objective of this list is to highlight the numerous connections between Obama officials and the various elite-centered associations found in America's economic and political landscape.

Even before Barack Obama's inauguration, special interest groups were meeting with key Obama transition team members in the hopes of swaying the administration's long term planning. One example is Eric P. Schwartz and the Citizens for Global Solutions.

Citizens for Global Solutions, formerly known as the World Federalist Association, is America's largest pro-world government organization. In early December 2008, CGS official Don Kraus met with Eric Schwartz, a member of Obama's transition team who is in charge of the US/United Nations relationship. Schwartz also handles National Security Policy transition issues.

On the table were a host of issues, from reinstating the United States within the International Criminal Court system to supporting the expansion of the UN Department of Political Affairs. While these issues are not the prime goals of Citizens for Global Solutions (a world federal government is the main objective), the very fact that the Obama US/UN transition team would solicit the advice of CGS is problematic.

Schwartz himself is representative of those who are part of the "Obama-difference" in America's new government. Consider his connections.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations: The CFR is recognized as one of the most elite foreign policy organizations in America, and it historically has been associated with advocating internationalism.

- Executive Director, Connect US Fund: Established in part by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, this grant-making body promotes international interdependence, especially as it relates to America's engagement in foreign affairs.

- Has been active in United Nations reform issues. This included working with the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, a high-level group who was tasked with fleshing out the boundaries between what the international community can do militarily, verses the rights and roles of the state.

(This is part of what is called R2P, the Right to Protect; it's an idea that opens up a host of dilemmas in terms of national sovereignty and global governance).

Now consider who's involved in the heart of the Obama administration: Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, General James L. Jones, and Susan Rice. And these are just a sampling of the top leaders who are linked, in one-way or another, to a global governance agenda. In fact, when you examine the Obama leadership team, you stumble into a smorgasbord of politically elite favorites, tied to organizations that promote international management.

Here's a few of the primary organizations you'll find throughout this leadership list (NOTE: brief explanations on these organizations are given below as well as within the report).

- American Security Project:

The ASP holds that America should be the world manager in relations to the global commons: that includes international sea-lanes, air space, and even the global marketplace. For more details on the ASP, see the listing for Secretary of State Special Envoy, George J. Mitchell.

- Aspen Institute/Aspen Study Group:

An influential think tank/forum that historically promotes global governance, interfaithism, and education for world citizenship.

- Atlantic Council of the United States:

A powerful body that supports NATO's empowerment as a global force and deeper ties between the European political community and the United States.

- Bilderberg Group:

A secretive club of the world's top political and financial actors.

Bilderberg is known as a trend-setting/agenda-developing group; a type of international "chess master."

- Bretton Woods Committee:

A club of top ranking political leaders and financial players who seek a revamped international financial system built on the foundations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

- Brookings Institute:

A major, Washington DC-based policy think tank that has a long history of promoting regional and international governance.

- Center for Strategic and International Studies:

CSIS is an extremely influential policy group and research body that has promoted North American/hemispheric integration, and the development of global governance structures.

- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:

The CEIP is a global think tank with offices in Washington DC, Moscow, Beijing, Beirut, and Brussels. It supports international approaches to security and political issues, and offers advice to the leaders of the world. CEIP promotes global collective security: the idea that international security should be guaranteed and maintained by a world structure.

- Council on Foreign Relations:

America's premier, elite policy think tank with a longstanding tradition of supporting international aspirations.

- International Institute for Strategic Studies:

A British research group that focuses on global security and military concerns. The IISS has been a supporter of an empowered international system of governance.

- Trilateral Commission:

The TC is a small but powerful group of world leaders who come from three main parts of the globe: North America, Europe, and Asia. The Trilateral program is deeply internationalist in scope: advocating global management and regional unification (including a North American community).

The List

Obviously there will be some additions and deletions to this list as time progresses.

However, at the point of this article's completion, the following individuals are viewed as key components within the Obama administration. Further note that this list is not complete, as there are many others in transition team positions and other offices that have been missed (this is simply due to time and space constraints on the part of the author).

While some individuals may be overlooked, this list does cover the majority of cabinet

Wherever possible, the author has used primary source materials and authoritative information in compiling this list. Some biographical data comes from the Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate (F.R.E.E.), a group that has done a remarkable job over the years in compiling political membership lists.

The order in which the names in this list occur is as follows:

- Vice President: Joe Biden
- Department of State: Hilary R. Clinton
- Deputy Secretary of State: James Steinberg
- Assistant Secretary of State, Asia and Pacific: Kurt M. Campbell
- State Department, Special Envoy: Richard Haass
- State Department, Special Envoy: Dennis Ross
- State Department, Special Envoy: Richard Holbrooke
- State Department, Special Envoy: George J. Mitchell
- Department of the Treasury: Timothy F. Geithner
- Department of Defense: Robert M. Gates
- Department of Energy: Steven Chu
- Department of the Interior: Ken Salazar
- Department of Education: Arne Duncan
- Department of Health and Human Services: Tom Daschle (see the note for this listing)
- Department of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack
- Department of Transportation: Ray LaHood
- Department of Labor: Hilda Solis
- Department of Housing and Urban Development: Shaun Donovan
- Department of Veterans Affairs: Eric K. Shinseki
- Department of Commerce: Judd Gregg
- Department of Homeland Security: Janet Napolitano
- Attorney General: Eric Holder
- National Security Advisory: General James L. Jones
- Deputy National Security Advisor: Tom Donilon
- Director of National Intelligence: Dennis Blair
- Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Leon Panetta
- White House Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel
- White House Military Office: Louis Caldera
- Ambassador to the Untied Nations: Susan Rice
- Domestic Policy Council: Melody Barnes
- US Trade Representative: Ron Kirk
- National Economic Council: Lawrence Summers
- Council of Economic Advisors: Christina Romer
- Economic Recovery Committee: Paul Volker
- Office of Management and Budget: Peter Orszag
- Securities and Exchange Commission: Mary Schapiro
- Council on Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley
- Environmental Protection Agency: Lisa P. Jackson
- Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change: Carol Browner
- Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnership: Joshua DuBois

Vice President: Joe Biden

There are numerous references to Mr. Biden as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission via secondary sources, however, the author of this report could not find any official biography, either in print or online, that mentioned his membership as a fact. That he has been involved in the CFR is not in dispute, as he has participated in many CFR events and is looked upon with great respect by the organization.2 De facto membership information, however, wasn't available.

In the past Mr. Biden has been the Co-Chair of the Senate NATO Observer Group, and has held prominent positions in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security.

In 1992 Biden gave three days of testimony to the US Senate on an agenda for global affairs. The speech, titled "On the Threshold of the New World Order," advocated international collective security, global democracy, and "launching a worldwide economic-environmental revolution."3 His vision was an America that led the way in global management.

According to FREE, Joe Biden is linked to the Bilderberg Group.

Department of State: Hillary Rodham Clinton

If one were to flesh out Mrs. Clinton's complete bio, listing all of her connections, policy recommendations, and points of contention, you would have a substantial sized book. For the sake of this article, we will focus briefly on global governance issues.

Although Hillary Clinton isn't a member of the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations (although she has attended CFR events), her husband, former President of the United States, William J. Clinton, has been involved with both. Bill Clinton has also been associated with other internationalist-type organizations, such as the Club of Madrid. Moreover, he founded the Clinton Global Initiative, a program that advocates global governance.

Does Mrs. Clinton share these same values? In 1999, she sent an official video congratulating Walter Cronkite on his being given the World Federalist Association Global Governance Award. "For decades you've told us the way it is, and tonight we honor you for fighting for the way it could be."

"The way it could be"? The World Federalist Association, now known as Citizens for Global Solutions, is the largest pro-world government advocacy group in the United States. Moreover, Walter Cronkite's speech, and the very premise for being given this award, revolved around an open endorsement of world government. In the past, William Clinton issued a similar statement of support when his friend, Strobe Talbot, received the same WFA recognition.

Hillary and her husband have been Bilderberg Group participants.

Deputy Secretary of State: James Steinberg

This section of Mr. Steinberg's bio comes from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, "From December 1996 to August 2000, he served as deputy national security advisor to President Bill Clinton. During that period he also served as the president's personal representative ("Sherpa") to the 1998 and 1999 G-8 summits.

Prior to becoming deputy national security advisor, he served as chief of staff of the U.S. State Department and director of the State Department's policy planning staff (1994-1996), and as deputy assistant secretary for analysis in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (1993-1994)."

Steinberg's connections into the global community are striking.

- Former Senior Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a British organization that provides recommendations and research on international security issues.

- Former Senior Analyst at RAND Corporation - a powerful military and governance think-tank.

- Former member of the Brookings Institute, a highly influential Washington DC research institute that has historically promoted international governance and regionalism.

- Current board member of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist's Science and Security Board. The BAS has been a promoter of United Nations security empowerment, and it endorses global governance solutions for a host of major issues. Presently, the BAS is recommending that the Obama administration reinstate an independent Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, a Cold War-era federal agency that actively encouraged the disbanding of national militaries and the creation of a United Nations standing army.

- Current director with the Pacific Council on International Policy. The PCIP focuses on building a network of "globally-oriented business, civic and government leaders." The PCIP was founded in 1995 as a Council on Foreign Relations partnership organization.

- Member of the senior advisory council of The American Assembly's Next Generation Project. This is a program that explores America's role in globalization and how international institutions (United Nations, etc) can be reformed to meet the challenges of the new century.

- Board of advisors at the Center for a New American Security. The Center advocates a renewed American interest in developing world order, including "an infrastructure of global social services." This think tank recommends that America should reinstate itself as the primary vehicle for the "management of globalization."4

- Board of advisors of The Yale Journal of International Law.

- Member of the Aspen Study Group, a division of the Aspen Institute. The Aspen program is noted for its internationalist perspective, including the advocacy of global governance, interfaith spirituality, and the role of education for world citizenship.

Seeing these many connections, it's no surprise to learn that James Steinberg is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and has been involved with the Bilderberg Group.

Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific: Kurt M. Campbell (expected)

Although Mr. Campbell hasn't been officially placed in this position, his name has surfaced as the top candidate for the job. Under the Clinton administration, Campbell was the Assistant Secretary of State for Asia/Pacific. He was also the director of the National Security Council Staff, a presidential counselor on NAFTA, and a White House commissioned fellow at the Department of the Treasury.

He is also deeply entrenched as an elite player in America's foreign policy and internationalist community.

- CEO of the Center for a New American Security (see James Steinberg's bio above for information on this group).

- Director of the Aspen Strategy Group.

- Past director with the Center for Strategic and International Studies; one of the most powerful Washington-based think tanks on global security issues, international management, and the development of hemispheric/continental unification.

- Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

State Department, Special Envoy: Richard Haass While Haass isn't yet appointed, it is expected that Hillary Clinton will tap Mr. Haass for a special envoy position. In the past he was the US Department of State Director of Policy Planning (a very influential role), Special Assistant to President George H. W.

Bush, and the Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs with the National Security Council.

Haass is the quintessential Washington elitist.

- President, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Past director at the Brookings Institute.

- Past Senior Associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; a program that advocates global security under an enhanced international management regime (an empowered United Nations).

- Associated with the Aspen Institute.

- Involved with the Bilderberg Group.

- Connected to the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

- Involved with the World Economic Forum (an elite financial and political forum where leaders can network and develop agendas for the global economy).

State Department, Special Envoy: Dennis Ross

In the past, Ross was the Director of Policy Planning at the State Department under Georg Bush Sr., and Middle East coordinator under President Clinton. And over the years he's worked closely on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, German unification, and the creation of the Gulf War coalition. During the Reagan years he held the Near East directorship in the National Security Council.

Past and current memberships include.

- Washington Institute for Near East Policy: A research group that advances America's role in the Middle East. According to the organization's website, "Drawing on the research of its scholars and the experience of policy practitioners, the Institute promotes an American engagement in the Middle East committed to strengthening alliances, nurturing friendships, and promoting security, peace, prosperity, and democracy for the people of the region."

- Council on Foreign Relations.

- Aspen Institute.

- Bilderberg Group.

- Trilateral Commission.

State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke

Holbrooke was appointed State Department Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan under the Obama administration.

In the past Mr. Holbrooke was the US Ambassador to Germany, Assistant Secretary of State, Assistant Secretary for European and Canadian Affairs, and US Ambassador to the United Nations. He has also been involved in a myriad of foreign operations, including the Vietnam War peace negotiations and NATOs engagement in the Balkans (he was directly involved in the Dayton Peace Accords).

Mr. Holbrooke has also been involved in international banking, working as a senior advisor to Lehman Brothers and becoming Vice Chair for Credit Suisse First Boston.

Moreover, while at the United Nations he brokered the deal to pay off America's arrears to the UN (almost $1 billion). He is also connected to the private equity firm, Perseus LLC, and the insurance giant, American International Group.

Past and present memberships include, - Board member, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Advisory board member for the National Security Network: The NSN is a progressive body working to restore America's leading role in world affairs and international management. "We will once more make America the preeminent global force for peace and prosperity."5 - Member, Bretton Woods Committee: This is a group of high level financial and political leaders who seek to revamp and empower the Bretton Woods system, which includes the World Bank, the International Monetary Fun, the World Trade Organization, and numerous regional development banks.

- Member of the Bilderberg Group.

- Member, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

- Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies.

- Member, Trilateral Commission.

State Department, Special Envoy: George J. Mitchell

Mr. Mitchell has been awarded the position of Special Envoy for the Middle East. In the past he's been the Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. Other government offices held include US Attorney for Maine, US District Judge for Maine, and he was elected as a US Senator. He was also a member of the Select Committee on the Iran-Contra Affair.

Mitchell has a long corporate history, serving with Disney, DLA Piper, FedEx, Staples, Starwood Hotels, Xerox and more.

Memberships, past and present, are numerous.

- Council on Foreign Relations.

- Bilderberg Group.

- Bretton Woods Committee.

- American Security Project: A Washington DC organization that focuses on international security concerns. The ASP views America as the prime manager in what it calls "the new global commons." That is, the world's oceans and sea routes, international airspace, outer space, cyberspace, and "the emerging global market." In one ASP document it goes so far as to suggest that the US military, heading up a coalition with Russia and China, could become "a force optimized for such a [global commons] strategy," allowing American leadership to take on the "new role of global integrative systems manager."6

- The Economic Club of Washington, DC: A forum where prominent national and international business, banking, and political/diplomatic leaders can gather to network and express views on the global and national economy. Mitchell was the president of this club from 1998-2004.

- Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East: A national campaign to promote America's involvement in critical Middle Eastern issues, primarily in endorsing a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

- International Crisis Group: (Mitchell was the ICG's first chairman) The ICG is a massively networked security and conflict watchdog organization that is deeply tied to the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, and other multinational bodies.

This organization monitors global hotspots and offers policy recommendations for players in the international community. The ICG promotes United Nations enforcement capabilities.

Department of the Treasury: Timothy F. Geithner

Geithner is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was director of a CFR Task Force on trade policy. He's also been part of the Bilderberg Group, and has connection to the Rand Corporation (a military/intelligence think tank), and the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

From 2001-2003, he was the Director of the Policy Development and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund. He was also the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. While in this capacity he became Vice Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, and in 2006 became a member of the Group of Thirty, an elite body of world financiers, bankers, and economists (the G30 started through a Rockefeller Foundation initiative).

In the past he's worked for Kissinger and Associates, and was the Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.

Geithner has surrounded himself with an informal group of advisors who are Trilateral and CFR members, including Alan Greenspan (former Chair of the Federal Reserve and the one who is, arguably, the most responsible for the current economic crisis7) and Paul Volker (former Fed Reserve Chairman who supports a single world currency).

Department of Defense: Robert M. Gates

Robert Gates has a long history within the intelligence community, rising through the ranks of the Central Intelligence Agency to eventually become the Director of the CIA under the presidency of William Clinton. He was also the Deputy National Security Advisor for George H.W. Bush.

Gates does have known ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, having worked with a CFR task force on Iran. He's also a member of the Forum for International Policy, an elite group of experts who advise policy makers on global affairs.

According to FREE, Gates has connections with the Bilderberg Group.

Department of Energy: Steven Chu

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics and past Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Chu is a current member of the Copenhagen Climate Council. The CCC is a body of international business and science leaders who work to support the United Nations Climate Summit, which is to take place in late November 2009. (CCC is working on a new, more robust global climate agreement to replace the soon-expiring Kyoto Protocol.) Under the Obama administration, Mr. Chu will advance global warming policies; this will probably include an international carbon trade market.

There are no known connections between Mr. Chu and the CFR or Trilateral Commission.

Department of the Interior: Ken Salazar

There appears to be no connections between Mr. Salazar and the CFR, Trilateral Commission, or Bilderberg Group.

The Secretary of the Interior oversees the National Park Service, the Minerals Management Services, the Bureau of Land Management, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This position also oversees petroleum drilling programs and endangered species regulations.

Department of Education: Arne Duncan

Previously Mr. Duncan was the CEO of the Chicago Public School system and is a Harvard graduate. He appears to be independent of many of the politically elite associations typically found in Washington circles.

Department of Health and Human Services: Tom Daschle

NOTE: As this issue was being finalized, Tom Daschle announced that he was stepping down from this office, due to his tax problems. However, by including Daschle in this article, you will be given an insight into some different aspects of power politics via global "democracy."

Daschle is a long-time politician and Washington insider, serving as a South Dakota senator from 1987 until 2005. He has connections with the Bilderberg Group, and according to FREE he's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Daschle is further linked to a number of major organizations.

- Center for American Progress: CAP advocates empowering the United Nations and the advancement of global warming policies at the international level.

- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI): The NDI is the Democratic Party-branch of the government-created National Endowment for Democracy (NED). This organization promotes democracy at the global level, which for all intentand- purposes appears benevolent. However, the NDI/NED have been engaged in questionable activities in the carrying out of this duty.

Barbara Conry, a foreign policy analyst, provides a critical review of NDI's parent body and primary funder, the National Endowment for Democracy.

The National Endowment for Democracy is a foreign policy loose cannon.

Promoting democracy is a nebulous objective that can be manipulated to justify any whim of the special-interest groups: the Republican and Democratic parties, organized labor, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that control most of NED's funds. As those groups execute their own foreign policies, they often work against American interests and meddle needlessly in the affairs of other countries, undermining the democratic movements NED was designed to assist:NED, which also has a history of corruption and financial mismanagement, is superfluous at best and often destructive. Through the endowment, the American taxpayer has paid for special-interest groups to harass the duly elected governments of friendly countries, interfere in foreign elections, and foster the corruption of democratic movements."8

Furthermore, the National Democratic Institute is an "Associated Organization" of the Socialist International, a global body comprised of extreme leftist political parties that collectively advocate a socialist system of international management.9

Department of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack

Vilsack was the Governor of Iowa, and is a former member of the National Governors Association Executive Committee. He was also chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Mr. Vilsack does have direct connections to the Council on Foreign Relations, as he was the co-chair of a CFR task force report on national security and oil dependency (the other co-chair was former CIA Director John Deutch).

Department of Transportation: Ray LaHood

Former Congressman from the 18th District of Illinois. He appears to be independent of many of the elite associations often found in Washington circles.

Department of Labor: Hilda Solis

Former Congresswoman representing California's 32nd District.

She does not appear to be involved with any of the typical, elite political associations found in foreign policy circles. If she does have a connection into the realm of global governance, it would be through her appointment to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, an influential, multinational organization that focuses on collective security issues.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: Shaun Donovan

Former Commissioner of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development under Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

According to his New York City Department of Housing bio, "Before joining the Bloomberg administration, Mr. Donovan worked at Prudential Mortgage Capital Company as managing director of its FHA lending and affordable housing investments. In the affordable housing arena, Prudential Mortgage Capital's portfolio totaled more than $1.5 billion in debt, including Fannie Mae, FHA and other loan types.

Prior to Prudential, Mr. Donovan was a visiting scholar at New York University, where he researched and wrote about the preservation of federally assisted housing. He was also a consultant to the Millennial Housing Commission on strategies for increasing the production of multifamily housing.

The Commission was created by the United States Congress to recommend ways to expand housing opportunities across the nation."10 Mr. Donovan has no known direct connections to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, or any other similar organization.

Department of Veterans Affairs: Eric K. Shinseki

Mr. Shinseki has been involved in military command services since 1996, holding the positions of Army Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations and Plans), Commanding General US Army Europe, Army Vice Chief of Staff, and US Army Chief of Staff.

He has many corporate connections, acting as a board member for BancWest, First Hawaiian Bank, Guardian Life Insurance, and Honeywell.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Director with the Atlantic Council of the United States: An elite, pro-NATO group that builds policy consensus between Europe and the United States, and works to strengthen NATO's role as a global force. It also envisions NATO as a binding structure within a new trans-Atlantic partnership dubbed the Atlantic Compact, a framework that seeks to tighten economic and security ties between Europe and North America. The organization also offers policy options as it relates to Russia, China, Japan, and other Asian nations.

Department of Commerce: Judd Gregg

Mr. Gregg has been a long-time player in governmental circles. He was elected as a Congressman in 1980, held the position of Governor for New Hampshire, and was elected to the US Senate in 1993. Over the years he has held numerous postings such as the Chair of the US Senate Committee on Budget, the Congressional Oversight Panel, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, and Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee.

Environmental groups have hailed Mr. Gregg as a green leader. He is promoting the creation of a 100,000-acre wildness zone that straddles New Hampshire and Vermont.

There doesn't appear to be any direct linkage between Mr. Gregg, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderberg Group.

Department of Homeland Security: Janet Napolitano

Napolitano is the former Governor of Arizona, she's also a former US Attorney under Janet Reno in the Clinton Administration.

FREE lists her as a CFR member.

Attorney General: Eric Holder

Mr. Holder was a Justice Department official under the Clinton administration, and acted as a legal advisor to Obama's presidential campaign.

Holder's history is sobering for gun owners in America, as he has vigorously opposed firearm ownership and has endorsed the creation of a national gun-registry database. (In Canada, similar gun registry laws have not been effective in crime control, and have been extremely costly and overly bureaucratic. If anything, Canada's gun control program has done much more in removing the ability of individuals to protect themselves instead of hampering actual criminal activity.) A Leadership Review Page 15 Regarding the Trilateral Commission and/or CFR; there are no official connections to Mr. Holder that the author of this report is aware of.

National Security Advisor: Gen. James L. Jones

Retired Marine General James L. Jones was the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. During his final assignment, General Jones advocated that a core part of NATO's mandate should include energy security. He also wished to see NATO further involved in Africa, including support roles for the African Union.11 And in 2008 he advocated replacing Israeli forcing in the West Bank with NATO troops, who would in turn hand over full security control to the Palestinian Authority.12 During the Bush administration, General Jones was appointed Middle East Security Envoy by Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. He was also asked by Rice to take the position of Deputy Secretary of State, which he declined.

General Jones is very well connected. His positions have included,

- Chairman of the Atlantic Council of the United States.

- President of the Institute for 21st Century Energy: This is an arm of the US Chamber of Commerce charged with unifying energy policymakers wtih the business community.

The Institute recognizes that energy and climate change are global issues, and must be addressed at the international level.

- Member of the board of directors for Boeing, Chevron, and Invacare Corporation.

- Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies: CSIS is, in many respects, one of the most powerful foreign affairs institutions in Washington DC. It is heavy connected to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Moreover, it has been very active in developing recommendations and directives that work towards unifying North America, and the Western Hemisphere, into a single economic/trading block.

- Member of the Project on National Security Reform: The PNSR is an influential group that recommends policies and directives with the aim of reforming the national security architecture. The PNSR motto is "Transforming Government for the 21st Century."

Mr. Jones is a Trilateral Commission member, according to the TC's 2009 membership list. And, according to FREE, he has connections with the Bildergerg Group.

Deputy National Security Adviser: Tom Donilon Mr. Donilon was the Assistant Secretary of State and Chief of Staff at the US State Department during the Clinton administration. Donilon is currently serving on the Department of State Review Team for the Obama administration.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Member, Trilateral Commission - Member, Brookings Institute.

- Member of the Aspen Study Group.

Director of National Intelligence: Dennis Blair

Retired Navy Admiral Dennis Blair held a Rhodes scholarship and studied at Oxford University. His last military posting was Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Command. In the past he was the Director of the Joint Staff and Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support (the Director of Central Intelligence oversees the entire American intelligence community).

- Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA): Admiral Blair was a member of the IDA, a military think tank/corporation that works exclusively with the US federal government in addressing the scientific and technical side of security issues.

- Project on National Security Reform: He was Deputy Director of the PNSR (see General Jones' National Security Advisor bio for more on the PNSR).

- Council on Foreign Relations: Blair is directly connected to the Council on Foreign Relations, serving as a Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the CFR. He also co-chaired the CFR Independent Task Force Report titled, U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, a Responsible Course, and chaired the CFR's Indonesia Commission.

- Former member of the Trilateral Commission.

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Leon Panetta

Panetta has direct links to the Trilateral Commission, contributing to the organization's 1993 Annual Report. He's also a member of the Bretton Woods Committee.

Mr. Panetta has a long history within the Washington beltway. In the past he was the Director of the US Office for Civil Rights, a member of Congress from California, and chairman of the House Committee on the Budget. He was also Chief of Staff for President William Clinton.

For six years he served on the Board of Directors with the New York Stock Exchange.

White House Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel

Mr. Emanuel was a senior advisor to Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1998. It was Emanuel who directed the details of the Oslo Accords ceremony, including the famous handshake between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat. In 2000 he was placed on the board of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, "Freddie Mac." He was also the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

No known direct links to the CFR, Trilateral Commission, or Bilderberg Group.

White House Military Office: Louis Caldera

The White House Military Office acts as the primary military liaison to the White House for military operations. According to the website (a list of presidential/administrative team members)

"From 1997 to 1998, Caldera was managing director and chief operating officer for the Corporation for National and Community Service. From 1998 to 2001, he served as the nation's 17th Secretary of the Army. He has served as a vice chancellor for the California State University system and president of the University of New Mexico, after which he joined the faculty of the UNM School of Law as a tenured professor."

Caldera's board member positions in the corporate world include seats with A.H. Belo Corporation, IndyMac Bancorp, and Southwest Airlines. He also served with the Panama Canal Commission, which was charged with overseeing the operations of the Panama Canal.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations.

Ambassador to the United Nations: Susan Rice

Rice is a former Clinton Assistant Secretary of State, and is closely tied to the global governance movement.

- Former member of the Brookings Institute, serving as a Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy and Global Economy programs.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Former member, Trilateral Commission.

In the past, Rice has advocated the establishment of a federal department on peacekeeping in order to better connect the US military with the United Nations. She has also supported the idea of an international civilian police force under the command and control of the United Nations.

Rice also has connections to a number of other influential organizations.

- Board member, National Democratic Institute (see the listing for Department of Health for info on the NDI).

- Board member, Atlantic Council of the United States.

- Board member, US Fund for UNICEF. This organization supports the work of the United Nations Children's Fund (which produced the controversial UN Rights of the Child treaty).

- Member, Aspen Strategy Group.

Citizens for Global Solutions (used to be named the World Federalist Association), has already announced that it will support Rice in her role at the United Nations.

Domestic Policy Council: Melody Barnes

Melody Barnes is Director of the Domestic Policy Council, the office that coordinates the domestic policy-making processes in the White House.

In the past she was the Executive Vice President for Policy at the Center for American Progress, a leftist policy think tank and advocacy group (it promotes an international management solution to climate change). Also, from 1995 to 2003 she was the Chief Counsel to Senator Edward Kennedy who served on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

There are no known connections between Barnes and the CFR or Trilateral Commission.

US Trade Representative: Ron Kirk

Kirk was the mayor of Dallas from 1995 until 2002. Before that he worked as Secretary of State for Texas under Governor Ann Richards.

Corporate affiliations include board memberships at Brinker International, Dean Foods, and PetSmart.

Kirk is known as an advocate for creating a NAFTA-super highway that would economically help to tie Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

Mr. Kirk has no known immediate connections to the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission.

National Economic Council: Lawrence Summers

Under the Obama administration, Summers will head up the National Economic Council, which will coordinate national economic decision making at the highest levels within the federal system. However, Mr. Summers is no stranger to Washington politics.

During the 1980s he served on the staff of President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors. Then, in 1991 he came on board with the World Bank in the capacity of Chief Economist. Under the Clinton presidency he initially was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs. Later, after a series of position moves, Summers was appointed as Secretary of the Treasury.

After he left the Treasury Department, he was made president of Harvard University, where he served until 2006. That year, he was placed on a Panel of Eminent Persons to work with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Finally, Summers was instrumental in negotiating China's entrance into the World Trade Organization.

Summers is directly linked to the Council on Foreign Relations, having chaired the CFR's Independent Task Force on Transatlantic Relations, along with Henry Kissinger.

He has also been an active member of the Trilateral Commission. And, according to FREE, he has been part of the Bilderberg Group.

Mr. Summers has been a board member with a number of other prominent organizations.

- The Brookings Institute.

- Center of Global Development: A think-tank that looks for ways to make "globalization work for all." The organization promotes global political solutions to climate change and economic disparity.

- Institute for International Economics: This is the only major institute in the United States that focuses exclusively on global financial and economic issues. It's members, present and past, reads like a who's who of America's top financial players (examples: world investor George Soros; President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William McDonough; former Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neill; and David Rockefeller, former CEO of Chase Manhattan). The IIE promotes global economic management, deeper regional unification for North America, and the empowerment of the International Monetary Fund.

- Member, Bretton Woods Committee.

Council of Economic Advisors: Christina Romer

Before becoming the chairperson for the Council of Economic Advisors, Romer was a co-director at the National Bureau of Economic Research (under the Program in Monetary Economics). She has also served as Vice President of the American Economic Association.

She doesn't seem to be directly connected to the usual Washington political elite associations.

Economic Recovery Committee: Paul Volker

The Economic Recovery Committee is a new office in the Obama administration. It is charged with providing direction in terms of dealing with the ongoing economic woes in the US and around the world.

Paul Volker was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve during the Jimmy Carter presidency. He's an advocate for a single global currency and an international monetary structure.

- Member, Council on Foreign Relations.

- Founding member of the Trilateral Commission.

- Historic association with the Rockefeller family through his involvement with Chase Bank, and the Trust Committee of Rockefeller Group.

- United Nations Association of the United States (UNAUS): From 2000 to 2004, Volker was the director of the UNAUS; the largest direct UN-linked support body in America.

-G30: Current chair of the Group of Thirty (see the listing under Department of Treasury for info on the G30).

- Chair to the Independent Inquiry into the United Nations Oil for Food Program.

Office of Management and Budget: Peter Orszag

Mr. Orszag has been appointed by President Obama to act as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. In the past he was the Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy during the Clinton administration. He was also the director of the Congressional Budget Office in 2007 and 2008.

- Brookings Institute: Former Deputy Director of Economic Studies.

Securities and Exchange Commission: Mary Schapiro

Schapiro was appointed and confirmed as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Obama administration.

In the past she sat on the Securities and Exchange Commission under Reagan and Bush, and was appointed under President Clinton to the position of acting chairperson. In 1994 she took the office of Chair for the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.

In 1996, Schapiro became president of the National Association of Securities Dealers, and held this post until 2002. From that point until 2007 she held other positions within the National Association of Securities Dealers. In 2007, she became the CEO of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the industry's self-policing body.

In other words Schapiro has been, and still is, a central figure in the ongoing economic crisis and collapse of the financial industry.

Council on Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley

Nancy Sutley will lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Before this appointment she was the Deputy Mayor for Energy and Environment, Los Angeles, California. She was also an Energy Advisor for California Governor Gray Davis. And during the Clinton presidency she worked for the Environmental Protection Agency as a Senior Policy Advisor in San Francisco, and as a special EPA assistant in Washington DC.

No known memberships in the CFR or Trilateral Commission.

Environmental Protection Agency: Lisa P. Jackson

Lisa Jackson used to work under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as Chief of Staff. Before that she was employed with the United States Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC and New York City.

Jackson does not appear to have any connections to global governance advocacy groups.

Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change: Carol Browner

Browner served as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency during the Clinton administration, and has been appointed by President Obama to head up the administration's climate change agenda.

Her past, as an attorney, is one filled with environmental court cases and policy developments: negotiating off shore oil bans, expanding the Big Cypress National Preserve, and working on amendments to the Clean Air Act. Over the years she has worked for Senator Lawton Chiles and Senator Al Gore. She also headed up the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Browner has been criticized by industrial and agricultural groups, along with wise-use advocates, for her excessive focus on environmental enforcement.

She's connected to the Audobon Society (past chair) and Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection. Browner is also linked to APX, Inc., a company that's involved in carbon-offset credits and environmental commodity marketing. (Author's NOTE:

Somehow this seems to be a conflict of interest:Browner heads up the nation's climate change program while connected to a climate change/carbon market company).

Other organizations that Browner is linked to include,

- Center for American Progress (See the listing on the Department of Health).

- Socialist International: The Socialist International is the world's largest organization of far-left socialist political parties and governmental leaders. It seeks to openly build a socialist system of global governance, funded through a world taxation program.

Furthermore, the SI advocates that the United Nations be radically empowered to act as an international manager. Browner is a member of the SI's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, the SI's climate change arm.

Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships: Joshua DuBois

This new White House office will coordinate and direct faith-based programs throughout the administration, with a focus on global interfaith dialogue, primarily with the Muslim community.

Joshua DuBois is a young Pentecostal pastor who served as Obama's director of religious affairs during the Presidential campaign. Besides Mr. DuBois' religious work, he served as an aide to US Representative Rush Holt and US Representative Charles Rangel.

Mr. DuBois has no known relationships with the usual Washington DC foreign affairs organizations.

More information on the Obama team will emerge with time. However, it is my hope that this leadership list will help you better understand the direction of this new administration.

So will there be "change"? Yes, I anticipate that the government will become larger than in previous administrations. It will also become more socialist, more bureaucratic, more internationalist in its foreign affairs, and more overwhelming in its domestic concerns.

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